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On Demand Video Workout - Memberships

The Videos are in English

  • Diamond - Videos

    Every month
    Video Workouts - Monthly Membership
     7 day free trial
    • Videos are in English
    • Get motivated & trained by a personal trainer & health coach
    • Best training techniques from:
    • High performance sports, physiotherapy & medical fitness
    • Total Videos: 160+
    • The workouts are easy to follow
    • Beautiful Swiss landscapes
  • Diamond - Videos

    Every year
    Video Workouts - Annual Membership
     7 day free trial
    • Videos are in English
    • Choose annual & save CHF 49.98
    • Get motivated & trained by a personal trainer & health coach
    • Best training techniques from:
    • High performance sports, physiotherapy & medical fitness
    • Total Videos: 160+
    • The workouts are easy to follow
    • Beautiful Swiss landscapes
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